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Usability evaluation of Professional Woman’s Photographers (PWP) website:
  • This study evaluates various usability features of the PWP website with a focus on the findability of different photo themes & members' photos.


  • Study began with survey questions focused on what improvements members would like to see in the new design.

  • Usability tests included: heuristic analysis &

  • Think aloud user-test on

  • Tree-test & card-sort analysis


  • Top 5 desired improvement included: 1) Reduced clutter 2) Improving access & findability of member photos. 3) Rework category labels & make categories easier to find. 4) Add SEO to make photos & members more discoverable on internet. 5) Build in Digital Rights Management (DRM).

  • A heuristic analysis showed many features in need of improvement, with clutter & findability standing out as a recurring problem.

  • Usability tests confirmed challenges in finding photographic themes/categories which were embedded within the members menu.  

  • Tree-test & card-sort analysis revealed needed themes.

  • One interesting challenge currently being evaluated is  balancing the findability of photographs with DRMs.

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